17: Robin Grille Handouts on The Inner Child Process for Health Practitioners

The Inner Child Process: An Introduction for Health Practitioners

Why do we sometimes worry unnecessarily, over-react as parents, or freeze and under-respond? Even before our children are born, we are already assailed by triggers we did not know we had. These flashes of body-memory can be a block to pleasurable parenting and connection, or they can be consciously used as doorways to the parents’ healing and deep intuitive wisdom.


My approach to Inner Child Journeying has brought vital and transformative changes to clients and workshop participants around the world for many years. The many obstacles and blind alleys that parents and teachers commonly face in child-rearing will often have something to do with old emotional wounds that have been triggered in the adult. Without this insight, what we say or do for our children can too often miss the mark. But compassionate self-awareness gives us more gifts than we might imagine. The more closely we know our Inner Child, the more intuitive we become about what our children need. Moreover, we discover that even the most painful or frustrating challenges brought to us by our children are rich opportunities for our own healing and growth. This Inner Child Process offers a safe, step-by-step method for contacting the deep feelings, thoughts and wisdom of the Child that lives in all of us, clearing a path for healing and personal unfolding.


If you are a counselor, therapist, or parent-coach, and you’d like to learn how to employ Inner Child Awareness safely and effectively as part of your practice, this presentation will introduce you to an evidence-based approach to Inner Child Journeying. Applied to Couples’ Therapy and host of other contexts involving healing and personal growth, the Inner Child Process can:


--Help your clients develop their natural insight, intuition and compassion as parents

--Help your clients become more effective and attuned as parents

--Help your clients to differentiate between t heir own projections vs their children’s real needs

--Help your clients make sense of their own childhood experiences and how these have affected their parenting style

--Turn your clients’ parenting challenges into opportunities for personal healing and growth

 Robin Grille is a psychologist in private practice, and a parenting educator. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed Parenting for a Peaceful World and Heart to Heart Parenting. Robin has delivered seminars and workshops around Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the United Kingdom, Canada and Indonesia. His experiential, skills-based and informational parenting courses have helped many people embrace parenting as a transformative, personal growth journey.

Inner Child Process Handout 1.pdf
Inner Child Process handout 2.pdf
Table of Developmental Needs.pdf
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