11: Rebecca Thompson Hitt: The Culture of Sleep

Sleep. We all want it and need it, but it can be super hard to get enough regularly.

Add in a new baby or little ones and sleep takes on a whole different dimension.

How does the mother's sleep during pregnancy impact the baby after birth?

What does the whole family's sleep have to do with the baby?

What are our cultural beliefs about sleep? Are they developmentally appropriate? How can we understand what a baby is communicating through the way he/she wakes in the night? What if the baby is showing their story in the night?

Rebecca will be sharing research and stories about sleep and how we can make friends with this important part of our lives and support others to get the sleep they need. We may even pause for a short rest during the call. :-)

Rebecca holds a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Barry University and has been studying attachment and trauma since 1997. She is the Co-Director of Education for The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health. She is also the Founder and Executive Director of The Consciously Parenting Project where she creates online resources for parents and offers consultation services. She is the author of 3 parenting books and she is working on her 4th book, All Relationships Can Heal, will be published in Fall 2019. You can learn more about Rebecca by visiting her website: https://consciouslyparenting.com

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