Quizzes and Integrative Projects

To pass each Module, you will answer a 20-question quiz with multiple choice and true/false questions, and submit one integrative project of your choice. Each Module poses at least two questions, please choose one and specify which question you have chosen. If you wish to write on another topic of interest covered within the module, write to your mentor and the Director of Education with your inspiration. [email protected]

All required readings listed under each Module are written in APA (American Psychological Association) format. We ask that you to cite all sources within your papers and provide a reference list at the end in APA format. Please use this APA style guide: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html

You are encouraged to think about and identify a potential audience for your work. In other words, who might you present your work to? Will they be people at a conference, a local educational event, your co-workers, parents, clients, families, medical professionals? Many students utilize their integrative projects as a stepping stone toward their professional work.

Integrative projects include the following options (you only need to choose one):

1) Essay – A minimum of 2-3 double-spaced pages, directly addressing one of the questions posed in the essay section for each Module and incorporate a critical analysis of at least three specific points from the readings. For integration purposes we encourage you to weave it into your own personal and professional experience. Optional is to include at least two additional outside sources. Please include an APA formatted bibliography and citations in your essay.

2) Art – An original art project (paint, collage, fiber, stitching, jewelry, encaustic, mosaic, etc.) supported by a one page or more single-spaced narrative, not including references, which directly addresses one of the questions posed in the Module and incorporates at least three specific points from the readings.

3) Movement – A video/film or dance project supported by a one page or more single-spaced narrative, not including references, which directly addresses one of the questions posed in the Module and incorporates at least three specific points from the readings.

4) Poetry/Creative Writing – A selection of 3-5 original poems or a creative writing piece supported by a one page or more single-spaced narrative, not including references, which directly addresses one of the questions posed in the Module and incorporates at least three specific points from the readings.

5) Presentations - A 10-slide minimum presentation that directly addresses one of the questions posed in the module and incorporates at least five specific points from the readings. Please write a one page or more single-spaced narrative, not including references, about the presentation and how it will/could be used.

6) Case Study – A case study must directly address one of the questions posed in the Module, incorporate at least three specific points from the readings, and be an observation from your own private practice or client experience. Additional outside references are encouraged. Please include an APA formatted bibliography and citations at the end of your case study.

In addition, case studies may have potential for publication in journals such as Somatic Therapy Today and others. (Guidelines to the Writing of Case Studies (2008) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2597880).

How APPPAH Grades

Your essay and project for each module is an opportunity for you to integrate the materials you've read or watched in the module. You can approach the essay/project with ease, as you can tailor your project to support the work you are doing in the world and the work you are inspired to do in the future. Some students have used this program to develop and launch their own PPN programs and offerings, write books, or write blogs or vlogs. Some students focus on personal healing while at the same time developing their professional integration of PPN principles. Many students have shared it is a life-changing experience and this knowledge should be taught in all high schools.

Your mentor is responsible for grading your work. They follow very simple rules, if you meet the requirements for the creative project of your choice, you'll receive 4 points. If you forgot to cite your resources at the end of your narrative or essay, they either will invite you to resubmit your essay including a bibliography, or will give you a 3. Mentors are encouraged to reach out to their mentees if concepts are misquoted, misused or not understandable, and will work with the student and encourage them to improve those points and resubmit. Most students then will receive 3 or 4 points. If you receive a 2 or lower, please contact your mentor and work on the points that need improvement and resubmit. You must receive a 3 or a 4 in order to graduate. Mentors are expected to respond to you within a week of your essay or project submission. If you do not hear from them after one week, please reach out to them again. If your Mentor is unresponsive to that request, we ask that you let us know at [email protected].

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