Welcome to Module 5: Parenting Styles
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The Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health adopted and endorses the 12 Guiding Principles-PPN on Nurturing Human Potential from the Beginning of Life.
This module centers around Guiding Principle #5 Guiding Principle of Relationship: Human development occurs within relationship from the beginning.
Human connections and the surrounding environment profoundly influence the quality and structure of every aspect of a baby's development. From the beginning of life, baby experiences and internalizes what mother experiences and feels. Father’s and/or partner’s relationship with mother and baby are integral to optimizing primary foundations for baby. All relationships and encounters with mother, baby, and father during this primary period affect the quality of life and baby’s foundation. Supportive, loving, and healthy relationships are integral to optimizing primary foundations for baby. This module delves into how parents can uncover more about their own earliest experiences as a child prior to conceiving, or at any point along their parenting journey, to create optimal conditions for bonding and meeting the emotional needs of their child.
Origins of the 12 Guiding Principles
Leading-edge prenatal and perinatal psychology- oriented therapists collaborated in an academic community grant project funded by the Bower Foundation to create the 12 Guiding Principles. Primary authors and project coordinators:
Wendy Anne McCarty, PhD, RN, HNB-BC, DCEP
Co-Founder and Core Faculty, Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Program, Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. Leader in optimizing human potential and family living from the beginning of life. Global holistic consultant to families and professionals. Presenter, educator, and trainer. Early developmental theorist and author of Welcoming Consciousness as well as over 40 publications. www.wondrousbeginnings.com
Marti Glenn, PhD
Founding President, Santa Barbara Graduate Institute with graduate programs in Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology. Clinical Director, Ryzio Institute offering professional trainings and intensive retreats to help adults heal early trauma. A pioneering psychotherapist and educator. Recent recipient of the Verny Lifetime Achievement Award in Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology. www.ryzio.com
The 12 Guiding Principles are featured in numerous publications, including:
Weinstein, A. (2016). Prenatal Development and Parents Lived Experiences. New York, NY: WW Norton.
McCarty, W. A. & Glenn, M. (2008). Investing in human potential from the beginning of life: Keys to maximizing human capital. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health, 23 (2), 117-135.