Parenting Styles Overview

Introduction to Module: Parenting Styles

Welcome to one of the most pivotal and transformative modules in our course: Parenting Styles. This module will delve into the foundational elements that shape how parents respond to the emotional and physical needs of their children, revealing that these patterns begin long before the parent-to-be is born—before a parent is even conceived. We will tie together insights from previous modules on epigenetics, neuroscience, consciousness, and the mechanisms of memory to understand how a parent’s implicit memories from their earliest experiences combined with the experiences of their ancestors influence their parenting style.
Practitioners can assimilate the comprehensive academic knowledge from the previous modules into real-world family healing, utilizing an array of tools to address pre and perinatal imprints to help parents reflect on their own early childhood experiences. The lessons will debunk common myths about children upheld within societal frameworks by exploring the hierarchical development of a child's emotional well-being within the neural architecture. This information is essential for any Pre and Perinatal Educator and can be integrated into various professions, tailored to the practitioner’s unique skill set.
With a foundational understanding of the first five modules, you'll learn to help parents make profound shifts using somatic tools linked to an awareness of their earliest family experiences. By addressing the emotional needs underlying any reactionary behaviors they experience, parents can change their behaviors and break ancestral patterns.
In this module, you'll be introduced to:
- The Inner Child Journey: A 5-step awareness-building protocol usable by anyone.
- Attachment Styles: Defined by John Bowlby and explored through the neuroscience of attachment as explained by Dan Siegel.
- Reinterpreting Colic: Understanding that colic should not be dismissed as merely an upset stomach or the nature of a fussy child.
- Healing through Consciousness: Recognizing that a child's behavior is a direct window into their subconscious mind, not masked by personality or adaptive skills.
A child's disruptive or uneasy behavior often signals a larger story at play within the family energetics. We hope the information within this module will illuminate how parent's must take responsibility to take radical steps to halt the perpetuation of ancestral patterns inherent in traditional parenting styles that expect children to behave better through disciplinary tactics such as isolation, manipulation, gas-lighting, coercion, or self-regulation to name a few. By modeling presence, resilience, and coherency, parents can create an environment where their children can thrive and grow. Prepare to explore these concepts deeply and emerge with actionable insights that will enable you to support families in profound and lasting ways.

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