Exploring the
Science of Nurture
Explore a new field of neurobiological and psychological research called: Nurture Science
In celebration of APPPAH’s 40 year anniversary, experts and practitioners gathered from around the world to share their studies and testimonies on how a nurturing environment supports optimal infant physiologic, cognitive, emotional, and psychological development.
Nurture is defined as “the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.” While medical interventions are sometimes necessary and can be lifesaving, every aspect of newborn care from the moment of birth has the potential to either support a nurturing sense of safety, comfort, and security or instill a sense of threat, discomfort, or danger in the newly born baby. These experts show us how secure attachment starts before conception and is even influenced by how a mother’s perception about the quality of her birth experience affects her mental health, which in turn, affects the growth and development of her baby.
Join us for a deep dive into some of the most important aspects of nurture science as we head into a new era of evidence-based medical care for mothers and babies.
Recording Package Includes:
- 21 presentations from experts and pioneers in the field of the pre and perinatal sciences
- 20 year review prenatal bonding research with Dr. Gerhard Schroth and Dr. Raylene Philips
- Latest neuroscience research on transgenerational trauma, HeartMath, and the developing infant brain
- Somatic techniques for co-regulation in circumstances of vicarious trauma
- The Science of Embodied Memory with Dr. Thomas Verny
- Anecdotal data from neuroscientists, psychologists, midwives, craniosacral therapists, birth educators, doulas, body workers, and more
- The Science of Soothing and Mindful Parenting
Recordings include:
Mental Health Through Nurture for Babies and Parents
with Greer Kirshenbaum, Ph.D.
Seven Gentle Birth Practices for a Nurturing Welcome into the World – and Why It Matters
with Raylene Phillips, MD
Growing Kind Kids: Mindful Parenting from Peaceful Cultures
with Charlotte Peterson, Ph.D.
Breaking the Cycle of Trans-Generational Trauma
with Gerlinde A. S. Metz, Ph.D.
Neurobiology of Nurture and Science of the Heart
with Dorothy Mandel, Ph.D.
Creating Connections: HypnoBirthing® and Goulding Method® Sleep Talk
with Phyllis S. Fisher, CH, HBCE, CD, CMT, CLD, and Barbara Decker, HBCE, HBFC, CCH, CLD
Memories: How They Are Formed and Where They Are Stored
with Thomas R. Verny, MD, DHL (Hon), DPsych, FRCPC, FAPA
Enhancing Attachment & Bonding to Support Expectant & New Families
with Stephanie Dueger, Ph.D.
The Energetic Field That Holds Us
with Moriah Melin, RM, CPM
Exploring 20 Years of Prenatal Bonding (BA): Insights, Outcomes, and Future Prospects
with Gerhard Schroth, MD, and Raylene Phillips, MD
Lullaby Wisdom: The Science of Soothing
with Licia Claire Seaman, MST
Co-Education: Prenatal Memory Nurtures Family Bond
with Akira Ikegawa, MD, Ph.D., and Prenatal Memory group
Bonding Before Birth: The Science of What Blocks Us
with Allyssa Shepherd, DC, MSc
Nurturing Our Global Community
with Francois Gerland, Ph.D.
Navigating Co-Regulation and Vicarious Trauma
with Jennifer Kalsbeek, LMFT
Out of Trauma Back into Happiness
with Jutta Wohlrab, Midwife
Identity Oriented Psycho Trauma Theory
with May Sunita, IoPT and Midwife
The Mother’s Womb: Wisdom for Prenatal Bonding
with Nina Ketscher, MA, PPNE
Perinatal Program to Prepare & Empower Individuals in the Parenthood Transition
with Nour Zaki, Ph.D.
The Mother’s Somatic Journey of the Self
with Rebecca Morgan, Ph.D.
Soul Connection with Your Unborn Baby
with Robyn Sheldon, RM, BA