Module 1: Foundations of Pre and Perinatal Psychology
Module 1: Foundations of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology
This module will inform the student about the roots of pre and perinatal psychology, the development of the discipline in the world and in the United States in particular. It will also detail general trends that inform the PPNE discipline and describe the work of early pioneers. General trends in the understanding of pre and perinatal psychology and its impact are detailed.
Learning Objectives:
- Define pre and perinatal psychology and name why it is important to human development.
- Identify pioneers in the field.
- Name trends that influenced the emergence of the field.
- Understand APPPAH's position on abortion.
Includes papers from Jeane Rhodes, David Chamberlain, Thomas Verny, Myrna Martin, Kate White, and Sandy Morningstar.
Course Curriculum
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after you enroll
Module 1 Overview
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after you enroll
Module 1 Content
Available in
after you enroll
StartLooking back: Personal reflections on the history of our association, conception to birth
StartA Brief History of Pre and Perinatal Psychology by Jeane Rhodes
StartBuild Babies, Not Jails
StartVoices of the Children
StartPre and Perinatal Experiences for Health and Healing
StartInvesting in Human Potential From the Beginning of Life: Key to Maximizing Human Capital
StartBabies Know: 7 Principles of Pre and Perinatal Psychology Film (22:43)
StartSummary of Trends and Influences in Pre and Perinatal Psychology
StartModule 1 Comprehension Quiz
StartModule 1 Essay or Project