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PPNE 2nd: Module 2: History and Theories of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology
Module 2 Overview
Module 2 Manifesto
Learning Objectives
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Module 2 Quiz Printout
Module 2 Content
What is Implicit Memory
How Implicit Memories Affect Babies
The Vulnerable Prenate by William Emerson
The stress matrix: Implications for prenatal and birth therapy.
Somatotropic Therapy
Being With Newborns
Siegal, D. (2012). The developing mind, 2nd ed: How relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are. New York, NY: Guildford Press.
Building Resiliency and Kindness with Dan Siegel (video)
Trauma and Shock: Essential Distinctions in Psychological Trauma with William Emerson, PhD (video)
Healing Early Trauma with Dr. Emerson Part One (video)
Healing Early Trauma with Dr. Emerson - Part Two (video)
Craniosacral Therapy is a Cornerstone of the Pre and Perinatal Sciences
Safety & Attunement in Midwifery Continuity of Care with Laura Latina, Midwife, Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner
Somatic Regulation Practices
Boundary Repair Somatic Exercise by John Chitty
Comprehension Assignments
Module 2 Comprehension Quiz
Module 2 Comprehension Project
Module 2 Comprehension Quiz
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